Lloyd K. Webb

“I hold Greg Yau in highest esteem.  Here is why.  In March of 1995 I was stricken with tinnitus. In my case a very loud ringing in the ears.  Something akin to a boiling, whistling teakettle.  I was devastated.  Western medicine availed me nothing.  Migraines followed.  I had never had one before.  Wow!  MRIs and pills followed with no effect.  Depression set in.  I couldn’t read a newspaper or sleep more than three or four hours at night.  I took early retirement from my teaching position.  I was 58 years old.  Thoughts of suicide crept ever closer.

My very concerned wife suggested I try her diagnostic herbalist muse Wing Pon.  Wing tested me on his computer and strongly recommended acupuncture – enter Greg Yau.  It was July 1996.  Acupuncture followed on a twice a week basis for several months.  The ringing subsided but did not disappear.  I could read again and sleep for more than four hours at a time.  Soon acupuncture was down to once a week.  I got to know Greg pretty well.  Greg suggested that my wife and I enroll in his physical /spiritual class.  We did and so remained for seven years.

I continue to practice what Greg preaches and my tinnitus has greatly diminished and I have not had a migraine in four years.  My wife has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  Greg has made acupuncture house calls that have helped to energize and alleviate her discomfort from the chemo.

Greg is a terrific person and a genuine healer.  I trust him implicitly and hope you do as well.”
